Stories are important
We all have a story – it’s what shapes and defines us. The Bridge is no different.
The story began when a group of local people wanted to make a difference to the everyday wellbeing of people across West Lothian. As they reflected on their own life struggles, and listened to the voices of family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, certain key themes emerged. The foundations of financial and emotional well-being were laid.
It has long been accepted that when crisis moments arrive in life for people in the West Lothian area that many are forced to access help through services elsewhere or to seek it in the private (fee-paying sector). The Bridge seeks to bring these key services and the hope they provide closer to home.
In our story, however, we seek to be different – not so much in what we do, but in how we go about providing our services. Building on the principles of compassion and love we seek to share the journey with our clients in order to see lasting hope and change.
Our vision
Improving the everyday wellbeing of the people of West Lothian by providing hope and support to families and individuals
Our values
Be relational – our focus is always on people
Be inclusive – we treat everyone equally
Be caring and compassionate – we treat everyone with respect and dignity
Be accessible – our communication and services are in ways that works best for clients
Working in partnership – collaborating with others where possible
Teamwork – supporting staff and volunteers to work cooperatively
Excellence – working to highest possible standards
Be environmentally sustainable – using resources responsibly
In the bridge we
Are motivated to make a difference
Treat all with dignity and respect
Are all about people
Are relational
Use our imagination
Provide hope
Work as a team
Are inspired by compassion
Think outside the box
meet our team
financial wellbeing team
emotional wellbeing team
west lothian wellbeing
support team
our trustees
For the Bridge to operate year on year we rely on funding from a range of different sources. Please see our most recent annual accounts above to see the full list of those who contribute to our work here in West Lothian.