The Bridge Counselling Service provides you with the opportunity to talk to someone who will listen with understanding. Meeting with your counsellor each week will give you the space and time to explore your thoughts and feelings. Through talking regularly with the same counsellor you can begin to understand your situation more clearly and make positive choices and decisions.

We are full organisational members of COSCA (Counselling and Psychotherapy in Scotland)

The bridge counselling service is:

  • AVAILABLE: The service is a generic counselling service for adults (18+). We offer 12 sessions initially, with an option of extending to longer term work, up to a maximum of two years. Each session will take place on the same day and time each week.

  • LOCAL: Available to people across West Lothian.

  • COMPETENT: Our counsellors are either fully qualified to postgraduate diploma level or trainee counsellors in Advanced clinical training. All of our counselling team members undergo regular supervision.

  • CONFIDENTIAL: Your session and personal information are kept strictly confidential in line with COSCA’s statement of ethics and code of practice.

  • NON-JUDGEMENTAL: We will listen and will not judge.

  • AFFORDABLE: Starting at just £15 per session as a minimum donation, on a sliding scale in accordance with income. Your financial contribution is used to help us cover our basic costs. This will be discussed as part of your initial consultation.

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Counselling West Lothian

An initiative of the Bridge Community Project. Counselling West Lothian provides a home for private counsellors and widens the options available to those seeking talk therapy support.

All profit from Counselling West Lothian flows directly back into the work of our very own Bridge Counselling Service above, enabling it to continue much-needed affordable counselling support for clients across West Lothian.