Financial Wellbeing

We understand that financial concerns impact on all aspects of our lives and we therefore offer residents of West Lothian an effective and comprehensive Financial Wellbeing Service that enables mental, emotional and financial resilience and wellbeing.

We do this by providing the following support:

Groups and courses

Spend Smart, Eat Well is a FREE course run by our Financial Wellbeing team. The sessions cover topics on managing money and eating well.

Find out more

We provide free, confidential advice and budgeting support.

Our fully trained money advisors understand that your money worries are not just about numbers. We know that debt can affect health, family, work, emotional wellbeing, relationships and much more. We will assist you in taking back control of your finances allowing you to plan for a brighter future.

Our aim is to work together until you are debt free and also free you from the worry and stress that being in debt can bring.

A service that is offered directly to our Money Advice Clients.

We understand that when you are going through the money advice process that their will be other areas of your life that may require some extra support during what is a stressful period. This is where our Support Advisers may be able to help.

We will work with you to identify any areas of additional support and then put in place a plan so that we can realistically achieve this. Any support that we provide must relate back to seeing an improvement in Financial Wellbeing.

Through our approach we hope to support you to improve your emotional and Financial Wellbeing, whilst also helping to build future resilience.

The Service is:

free: there is no charge for anything we do.
confidential: none of your details will be made available to anyone outside the Service or to any agency unless you give us your permission.
non-judgemental:people find themselves in financial difficulties for many different reasons, our role is to help you get back on your feet.
competent: our money advisers have been trained to deal quickly and efficiently with debt, creditors and budgeting. Our support advisers are caring and compassionate and have a wealth of knowledge that they can share with you.
respectful: of your right to make your own decisions.
recognised: we work with the national charity Community Money Advice Scotland to provide our Money Advice and we are regulated/ authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority.
Our Bridge Support work is tailored to your specific needs and delivered over an agreed period of time.

What people have said


Other Service options

The Financial Wellbeing Service is authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN 630521) and affiliated to Community Money Advice Scotland and Advice UK.

Advice UK